Overview of the debian fdm package
The debian specific changes are tracked in git at: http://github.com/ft/pkg-fdm/
ITP filed: #419048
Latest package: fdm 1.9+git20181219-1
Short version bug history:
- fdm_1.3c-2 fixes #440172
- fdm_1.3c-3 fixes #440231
- fdm_1.5-1 fixes #456871
- fdm_1.5-2 hopefully gets rid of failing builds on GNU/k*BSD (it did not).
- fdm_1.5-3 successfully build on GNU/kfreebsd in qemu for me.
- fdm_1.6-1 fixes #523673
- fdm_1.6-2 fixes #554287 and #538194
- fdm_1.6-3 fixes #595057
- fdm_1.6+cvs20111013-1 fixes #639176 and #631689
- fdm_1.6+cvs20111013-2 fixes #648246
- fdm 1.9+git20181219-1 fixes #844095, #878646 and #905781